Degree of Comparison

Sebelum kita membahas mengenai topik ini, ada baiknya kita mengingat bentuk perubahan kata sifat menjadi tingkat lebih (comparative) dan tingkat paling (superlative).

1. Kata Sifat dengan 1 suku kata
  • Big - bigger - biggest
  • Small - smaller - smallest
  • Thin - thinner - thinnest
  • Old - older - oldest
  • Dst.
2. Kata Sifat yang lebih dari 1 suku kata
  • Beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
  • Expensive - more expensive - most expensive
  • Interesting - more interesting - most interesting
  • Dst
3. Kata Sifat yang berakhiran dengan huruf "y"
  • Happy - happier - happiest
  • Easy - easier - easiest
  • Busy - busier - busiest
4. Kata Sifat yang berakhiran dengan some, low, le, dan er
  • Handsome - more handsome/handsomer - most handsome/handsomest
  • Narrow - more narrow/narrower - most narrow/narrowest
  • Gentle - more gentle/gentler - most gentle/gentlest
  • Clever - more clever/cleverer - most clever/cleverest
Catatan: untuk kata sifat jenis di atas, lebih baik menggunakan more untuk comparative dan most untuk superlative daripada menggunakan dan ...est, walaupun kedua-duanya benar.

5. Kata Sifat tak beraturan
  • Good - well - best
  • Bad - worse - worst
  • Little - less - least
  • Much - more - most
  • Many - more - most
  • Far - further/farther - furthest/farthest
  • Dll
6. Kata Sifat lainnya

Polite, quiet, wicked, pleasant, tired, cruel, stupid memiliki 2 jenis tingkat perbandingannya seperti yang berlaku pada kata sifat jenis no. 4. Namun, ada baiknya menggunakan more dan most untuk tingkat lebih dan tingkat paling-nya.

7. Kat Sifat yang tidak dapat dibuat tingkat perbandingannya
  • Wrong, right, single, empty, full, equal, correct, unique, universal, perfect, pregnant, dll.

Comparison Degree

1. Equal Comparison

As + adjectives + as
  • This book is as cheap as mine
  • You are as beautiful as my mother

2. Comparative (Tingkat Lebih)

Comparative + than
  • Your house is bigger than mine
  • She is more beautiful than her sister
3. Superlative (Tingkat Paling)

The + superlative
  • She is the best student in the class.
  • Mr. William is the oldest teachers at school.
4. Parallel Comparison

  • The + comparative, the + comparative (semakin..., semakin...)
  • Comparative and comparative (makin lama makin ...)
  • The harder you study, the better chance you'll get (makin keras kamu belajar, makin baik pula peluang yang akan kamu peroleh)
  • You look more and more beautiful (kamu makin lama makin cantik)
  • You are better and better (Kamu makin lama makin bagus saja)
5. Logical Comparison

a. Possessive
  • Henry's salary is much higher than Alex's
  • My mother gets better than yours
b. That of
  • The climate in Bandung is as mild as that of in Palembang (that of = the climate of)
c. Those of
  • The duties of a driver are much more dangerous than those of a teacher
d. Any
  • Mary is smarter than anybody else in the class.
  • Bali is smaller than any other province in Indonesia.

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